Walrus支持存储和读取blob的操作,并证明和验证其可用性。它确保内容在存储节点遭受拜占庭故障时仍然可用和可检索。它提供API,通过CLI、SDK和web2 HTTP技术访问存储的内容,并支持缓存和内容分发网络(CDN)等内容交付基础设施。
Storage of media for NFT or dApps: Walrus can directly store and serve media such as images, sounds, sprites, videos, other game assets, and so on. This is publicly available media that is accessed using HTTP requests at caches to create multimedia dApps.
AI related use cases: Walrus can store clean data sets of training data, datasets with a known and verified provenance, models, weights and proofs of correct training for AI models. It can also store and ensure the availability of an AI model output.
Storage of long term archival of blockchain history: Walrus can act as a lower-cost decentralized store to store blockchain history. For Sui, this can include sequences of checkpoints with all associated transaction and effects content, as well as historic snapshots of the blockchain state, code, or binaries.
Support availability for L2s: Walrus allows parties to certify the availability of blobs, as required by L2s that need data to be stored and be attested as available to all. This may also include availability of extra audit data such as validity proofs, zero knowledge proofs of correct execution or large fraud proofs.
Support a fully decentralized web experience: Walrus can host fully decentralized web experiences, including all resources (such as js, css, html, media). These can not only provide content, but also host the UX of dApps to enable applications with fully decentralized front end and back ends on chain. Walrus puts the full "web" into web3.
Support subscription models for media: Creators can store encrypted media on Walrus and only provide access via decryption keys to parties that have paid a subscription fee or have paid for content. Walrus provides the storage, encryption and decryption needs to happen off the system.