
本指南介绍了构建使用 Walrus 作为存储或可用性层的应用程序所需的所有概念。概述 提供了更多背景信息,并更详细地解释了 Walrus 如何在内部运行。


  • 开发人员感兴趣的 Walrus 组件,希望将其用于存储或可用性。
  • 通过客户端二进制文件、API 或 Sui 操作支持的 操作
  • Walrus 用于存储元数据的 Sui 结构,以及如何从 Sui 智能合约中读取它们,或通过 Sui SDK 读取它们。

再次参考术语 词汇表 作为参考。

Disclaimer about the Walrus Testnet

The current Testnet release of Walrus and Walrus Sites is a preview intended to showcase the technology and solicit feedback from builders, users, and storage-node operators. All transactions are executed on the Sui Testnet and use Testnet WAL and SUI which have no value. The state of the store can and will be wiped at any point and possibly with no warning. Do not rely on this Testnet for any production purposes, it comes with no availability or persistence guarantees.

Furthermore, encodings and blob IDs may be incompatible with the future Testnet and Mainnet, and developers will be responsible for migrating any Testnet applications and data to Mainnet. Detailed migration guides will be provided when Mainnet becomes available.

Also see the Testnet terms of service under which this Testnet is made available.