

Fun fact

If you are viewing this site at https://docs.walrus.site, you are fetching this from Walrus behind the scenes. See the Walrus Sites chapter for further details on how this works.

Disclaimer about the Walrus Testnet

The current Testnet release of Walrus and Walrus Sites is a preview intended to showcase the technology and solicit feedback from builders, users, and storage-node operators. All transactions are executed on the Sui Testnet and use Testnet WAL and SUI which have no value. The state of the store can and will be wiped at any point and possibly with no warning. Do not rely on this Testnet for any production purposes, it comes with no availability or persistence guarantees.

Furthermore, encodings and blob IDs may be incompatible with the future Testnet and Mainnet, and developers will be responsible for migrating any Testnet applications and data to Mainnet. Detailed migration guides will be provided when Mainnet becomes available.

Also see the Testnet terms of service under which this Testnet is made available.

Public access

All blobs stored in Walrus are public and discoverable by all. Therefore you must not use Walrus to store anything that contains secrets or private data without additional measures to protect confidentiality.

停止Walrus Devnet

The previous Walrus Devnet instance is now deprecated and will be shut down after 2024-10-31. All data stored on Walrus Devnet (including Walrus Sites) will no longer be accessible at that point. You need to re-upload all data to Walrus Testnet if you want it to remain accessible. Walrus Sites also need to be migrated as described on the dedicated migration page.


  • 存储和检索: Walrus支持写入和读取blob的存储操作。它还允许任何人证明某个blob已被存储,并且可以在以后检索。

  • 成本效益: 通过利用先进的纠删编码,Walrus将存储成本维持在大约是存储blob大小的五倍,并且每个blob的编码部分存储在每个存储节点上。这比传统的全复制方法显著更具成本效益,并且比仅在部分存储节点上存储每个blob的协议更能抵御故障。

  • 与Sui区块链的集成: Walrus利用Sui进行协调、证明可用性和支付。存储空间在Sui上表示为一种资源,可以被拥有、拆分、合并和转移。存储的blob也由Sui上的对象表示,这意味着智能合约可以检查某个blob是否可用以及可用时间,延长其生命周期或选择性地删除它。

  • 纪元、代币经济学和委托权益证明: Walrus由在纪元之间演变的存储节点委员会操作。一种原生代币WAL(及其子单位FROST,其中1 WAL等于10亿FROST)用于将权益委托给存储节点,那些拥有高权益的节点成为纪元委员会的一部分。WAL代币也用于存储支付。在每个纪元结束时,选择存储节点、存储和服务blob的奖励分配给存储节点及其权益委托者。所有这些过程都由Sui平台上的智能合约调解。

  • 灵活访问: 用户可以通过命令行界面(CLI)、软件开发工具包(SDK)和web2 HTTP技术与Walrus交互。Walrus设计为能够很好地与传统缓存和内容分发网络(CDN)配合工作,同时确保所有操作也可以使用本地工具运行,以最大限度地实现去中心化。





  1. 开发博客 包含公告和其他博客文章。
  2. 设计 描述了Walrus的目标、安全属性和架构。
  3. 使用 为开发者提供具体信息。如果你想快速入门,可以直接跳到设置章节
  4. Walrus站点 描述了如何使用Walrus和Sui一起构建真正的去中心化网站。


